ONLYOFFICE is a powerful alternative to Microsoft Office and offers a comprehensive suite of similar functionalities. One of the important characteristics of ONLYOFFICE is that it can work very well with Microsoft file formats because ONLYOFFICE was designed from the start, so you have perfect compatibility with Microsoft Office. The ONLYOFFICE counterpart to Microsoft Excel is called Spreadsheet. In this article, I will explain how to use the simple but powerful SUMIFS function to help you sum values based on a combination of conditions.
- Introduction
- About the SUMIFS function
- How to use the SUMIFS function in ONLYOFFICE
- Advanced use of the SUMIFS function in ONLYOFFICE
- Final words
Summing numbers in for example a Revenue column is straightforward to do in any available spreadsheet program. But if your requirements go a bit further, a simple summation will not do. Suppose you want to know your total revenue for a specific year in combination with a specific month in combination with a specific type of product and therefore want to ignore the rest of your data in your analysis, then it becomes a difficult task with standard summations. For these multi-condition situations, the SUMIFS function is perfect. So let’s investigate how this function can be used for your purposes.
About the SUMIFS function
As mentioned above, the SUMIFS function helps to sum numbers under specific conditions, while everything that does not match these conditions is excluded from the summation. The SUMIFS function is part of the math and trigonometry functions. The SUMIFS function has the below syntax:
In this function, we have the following components:
- Sum_range: These are the cells on which the summation is performed.
- Criteria_range: This is the range of cells to be used as a dataset for the condition to apply to.
- Criteria: The condition that will be applied to the given criteria range.
The Criteria_range and Criteria can be repeated for multiple different Criteria_range-Criteria combinations and must all be valid to result in a summation.
Like all functions, you can implement it both by typing manually or by filling in a dedicated screen, as shown below:

How to use the SUMIFS function in ONLYOFFICE
Let’s examine the SUMIFS function using a concrete example dataset. The dataset below contains data for a shop that sells products like bread and drinks. It gives sales details for the Year, Month, Product type, Product, Price, Quantity, and Revenue. Based on this data, different queries can be built to provide insight into revenue totals.

To explain the SUMIFS function, I will go through some different cases:
Case 1: Total revenue for 2025
In this case, we have just one criterion (Year). First, I have added a Criteria cell in B20 and a Total revenue cell in E20 that we both need for our function.
Note: When you only have one criterion, you can also use the SUMIF function.

Note: with a setup like this, it is easy to analyze for different years. Just change 2025 to another year and the function will provide you the corresponding result.
To determine the total revenue for 2025, we set up the SUMIFS functions in cell E20 as follows:
- H3:H15 >> Sum_range >> This is the range containing all the Revenue values from which we want to determine a total revenue based on the provided criteria.
- B3:B15 >> Criteria_range >> This is the range containing all the Year values we want to use in our analysis.
- B20 >> Criteria >> This is the Year criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
So, based on our function, all the revenues for 2025 are added together, resulting in a Total revenue of € 216.60 (€ 22.50 + € 118.80 + € 25.50 + € 49.80).
Instead of typing the function, you can also use the dedicated dialogue. Just select cell E20, click in the main menu on Formula, click on Function, and search for SUMIFS.

Now click on OK to open the dialogue.

Now click in the Sum_range area. Here you can type the range yourself or click on the symbol at the right. With this option, you can manually select the data cells H3 through H15 using the mouse by clicking and dragging. Do the same for Criteria_range1 (B3 – B15) and Criteria1 (B20).
Case 2: Total revenue for October 2024
In this case, we have two criteria (Year and Month). Now, I have added a Year cell in B21, a Month cell in C21, and a Total revenue cell in E21 that we all need for our function.

Note: with a setup like this, it is easy to analyze for different years and months. Just change 2024 and 10 to another year and month and the function will provide you the corresponding result.
To determine the total revenue for October 2024, we set up the SUMIFS functions in cell E21 as follows:
- H3:H15 >> Sum_range >> This is the range containing all the Revenue values from which we want to determine a total revenue based on the provided criteria.
- B3:B15 >> Criteria_range1 >> This is the range containing all the Year values we want to use in our analysis.
- B21 >> Criteria1 >> This is the Year criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
- C3:C15 >> Criteria_range2 >> This is the range containing all the Month values we want to use in our analysis.
- C21 >> Criteria2 >> This is the Month criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
So, based on our function, all the revenues for October 2024 are added together.
Case 3: Total revenue for October 2024
In this case, we have three criteria (Year, Month, and Product type). Now, I have added a Year cell in B22, a Month cell in C22, a Product type cell in D22, and a Total revenue cell in E22 that we all need for our function.

To determine the total revenue for product type Bread for November 2024, we set up the SUMIFS functions in cell E22 as follows:
- H3:H15 >> Sum_range >> This is the range containing all the Revenue values from which we want to determine a total revenue based on the provided criteria.
- B3:B15 >> Criteria_range1 >> This is the range containing all the Year values we want to use in our analysis.
- B22 >> Criteria1 >> This is the Year criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
- C3:C15 >> Criteria_range2 >> This is the range containing all the Month values we want to use in our analysis.
- C22 >> Criteria2 >> This is the Month criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
- D3:D15 >> Criteria_range3 >> This is the range containing all the Product type values we want to use in our analysis.
- D22 >> Criteria3 >> This is the Product type criterion against which we want to measure our analysis.
Below you see all in a visual way:

So, based on our function, all the revenues for Bread sales in November 2024 are added together.
These were some basic examples, but the SUMIFS function also has some advanced options.
Advanced use of the SUMIFS function in ONLYOFFICE
In the SUMIFS function, it is possible to use wildcards and check against for example minimum or maximum values. Here are some examples:
In the SUMIFS function, it is possible to use wildcard characters to widen the possibilities of your query. A wildcard character is a specific symbol that can be used to generalize one or more characters in result finding. In SUMIFS we can use “?” (single character) and “*” (multiple characters).
- ? >> For example “dr?ft” will find both “drift” and “draft”, because the “?” represents whatever character as long as the rest is the same. You can use multiple question marks in the same criterion.
- * >> For example “D*” will search for every word starting with a D. It doesn’t matter how many characters there are after the D. You can use the “*” on every position, like “*rd”, “d*”, and “*r*er*”.
If we have a look again at the data we used above, we can look for every Product type starting with a D to determine the total revenue, by using the following function:
This will find all revenues for “Drinks” + “Divers”, resulting in a value of € 272.65.
Next to using wildcard characters, you can also make your function more specific by searching for values above or below a certain threshold, like smaller than 50 or larger than 25.
For example, use the below to find all the records with a Year 2025, Month 11, and a Revenue smaller than € 40.00.
Final words
I hope this article made clear how you can use the SUMIFS function in ONLYOFFICE. This article will be part of an extensive ONLYOFFICE Tutorial Series, to help current or previous Microsoft Office users make the switch to this office suit easier. Personally, I think ONLYOFFICE is a great alternative to Microsoft Office, that feels familiar, offers almost perfect document compatibility, and is really powerful. And it is free! But also users who don’t come from the Microsoft world, but just need a good office solution, should hopefully find value in this tutorial series I have in mind. Keep an eye on this website for new articles and if you have specific topics in mind that you want me to focus on, please let me know via the RealAppUser contact page.